A kiss

She held him firmly, his moist bumpy skin cool and slippery in her fingers, the moonlight dancing in tiny watery droplets on his golden crown.

The little frog’s long legs dangled in the air, toes spread in anticipation…

his eyes sparkled as the clackety winged damselflies flitted around them, their busy buzzing adding a soundtrack to the absurdity of the situation.

he felt the warmth of her hands on his icy cold skin..

she closed her eyes and in a moment that had seemed impossibly never-ending…..

she kissed him.

a warm gentle kiss… right there on his nose.

Then she gently placed him back on his lily pad and wandered off to climb a tree, or build a fire or do some other important badass princess stuff.

The frog shrugged and with a lightening strike of his tongue whipped a fly into his mouth and crunched.

He was extremely content as a golden crowned frog with his beautiful pond kingdom …

…and she most definitely did not need saving by a prince.

The End.


The Crofter


The Cailleach